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Blog posts of '2012' 'April'

What have I got myself into?

After a recent trip interstate, I finally decided to bite the bullet and to get back behind the oar.

This came with a bit of a push from some people that i apparently call friends. not only did I decide to take a handle up again, but I dived into the deep end and competed at a state championships (yes it may have been masters but it still had the words State and Championship in the title). So what did this mean? well after a 14 year absence from sitting into a boat straight to a state titles race, and when i say straight I mean straight, twoo weeks of training and I wouldn't call it intense, and in that 2 weeks there was the Easter holidays where I went away with my family and didn't train, so I was feeling confident. No I am not joking, I had great confidence in myself (without any backing), for the first time I had selfbeleif... I was sure I could do this, and play with the big boys.... Oh how I was wrong, I was not comfortable in the boat, My foot stretchers wern't positioned correctly, I was rowing short, my finishes were really bad, and 100meters into the race I was drained and ready to give it all in.

Thankfully I didn't and I crossed the line in 3rd place.... (yes there may have only been 3 in the race, but that is beside the point). I re-aquainted with several old friends at the regatta, and have continued to take a handle up several mornings a week, This time with a crew who have an aim, They have a coach, a regular boat, and several short term goals set on where they as a crew wish to go.  This has rekindled several of my own aspirations which had been given up for dead many years ago, but for the first time in a long time, I seem to have attained a purpose and a means to reach that purpose, will I reach it? who knows only time can tell.

But the one thing i do know, is no matter what has happened, no matter what your reasons were for stopping, no matter how long it has been, go down to a local club, and ask to go out in a boat some days. Yes you may have to eat some humble pie and be re-taught basic technique, but at least remember that as a a rower you have achieved more by stepping into a boat then anyone who doesn't have the courage to even do that.

So draw on that strength that was there, and I'll seer you on the water one morning.